I will complete the review and take off two stars. Yes, the employee is competent, quickly solves complex problems, but if you do not contradict him, he meets any of your opinions or wishes "with hostility", it struck me that during welding he does not consider it necessary to remove the terminals from the battery, which can be fraught for electronics. Well, the prices are above average. The master helped out a couple of times, but refused on the third, did it elsewhere, was very satisfied and the price is 30% lower.
A person deserves a mark of 5 points, is polite, an expert in his field, quickly and clearly. I changed the middle jar in Nissan Almera g15. Thank you, I liked everything, including the price!
An excellent specialist, a master of his craft, with extensive experience, does the work quickly and efficiently, for which I thank him very much! I contacted him twice with different problems and both times everything was at a high level! I recommend it!!