I've been using this network for a year now. So far, everything is fine. The coffee is fresh and the pastries are delicious. Plus, I like the bonus system, it gives a discount of 10 tenge per liter. And nowadays this is already a plus, since prices are rising terribly fast. I liked that this network is being updated for the better. There is no such terrible old format. The most important thing is not to lose quality in fuel, because if they lose quality, then they will lose everything
The girls at the checkout are simply amazing. All with a smile. I stopped by to refuel many times, it's a pleasure to pay. Thank you. And the tankers immediately approach the car as soon as they stop
A new network gas station. There is a coffee machine, and a hall with tables. It's very cozy. A good range of products. The fuel quality is at the level. There are also different ways to pay.
Today, on September 13, 2020, at 8-00, I stopped to refuel and was shocked, there is no change from 10,000 thousand tenge, there is no change for exactly 5,000 tenge, and then there is no change, only you can pay by card, and if I did not have a card, go look for another gas station? How can you leave a completely empty cash register without a change? Where is your service if there is no basic service for people? Who is responsible for this? Hire me, I will raise the level of service and service to the proper level, you do not work for yourself, but for us, those who keep your business afloat!
During the emergency, the gas station was severely damaged. But well done, they restored it quickly and again they greet customers with a positive attitude.