Very convenient location in one place as kazpost, pharmacies, fixed price, grocery store, vegetable section, m-pawnshop, ATM, glasses section and even things for both children and adults! In general, knowing that there is a bread shop, adala and it is possible and tastier there, you still buy everything you need in Kambara! Nevertheless, the convenient location of various varieties of products! I haven't been to the market for a long time, what's there and how it is, I have no idea! However, I would like to wish the employees of kambar, sellers, tenants who work together with customers, to meet them with a smile and in a good mood more, I think it would be pleasant for them and for customers, and people will want to go again and again where a smile on their face and communication with customers are beneficial to those and others! To go to work with great desire and enthusiasm, meeting clients would be great progress both in big profits and with psychological peace of mind! 😍☺️👍