FAITH has nothing to do with politics.
A gracious, faithful and strict monastery.
Thank you for the opportunity to pray.
The sisters have a lot of work and joy.
I grew up in this monastery every vacation! My sweet childhood! I lived in the bishop's go hotel at M. Magdalene's!
My name was consular ;) How I want to go back to that age! But alas.... We don't appreciate what we have!
A divine place! An active convent, well-maintained territory, in excellent condition, original architecture with fortress walls and towers! It is very harmoniously combined with the natural landscape! There is a font near the monastery with a holy spring.
I had a chance to live in a monastery for 5 days. An unforgettable time!!! Beautiful services, beautiful grounds, very cozy hotel, very friendly sisters. I remember with great joy and warmth the days I spent in Pyukhtitsa.
I really liked the monastery. I served there for several days, I can say that the employees are very kind people. I was there on Easter night, I liked the ritual.
I was taken to the monastery at the age of 4, now I'm 60, but I still clearly remember everything, I watched the video and there were some changes before I was very fat (or I was very small)but it was fenced with a chain, as in Pushkin's fairy tale, the guest houses were beautiful log cabins in the courtyard there was an ancient paving stone, there were fewer flower beds, but birch and hazel trees grew, the bathhouse was an ordinary barn and where the chapel stood there was an ancient round tower and there was a well there they sold water a liter cost 1 ruble and the bathhouse was like 10-15 kopecks from the bathhouse to the cemetery(up to the oak tree)there was a large field with yellow wheat in the main temple, the floors were black and white squares and the nuns lived in some kind of stone "prison". We visited my grandmother, it turned out, some distant relative, she was lying in a 2x3m cell with a tiny window there was a bed and a tiny table and that was it...there was no light, so I quickly ran away from there to explore all the nooks and crannies of the monastery and
Good day!!! Please continue to publish the daily schedule of Divine Services on the official website of the monastery. We watch the broadcasts. It was convenient to navigate according to the schedule.
Thank you in advance!
I have been to Pyukhtitsa 3 times. A blessed place! Time passes unnoticed there. The sisters are very nice, attentive and kind. We have a lot to learn from them! It's a pity that I won't be able to come there anymore. If you haven't been, be sure to go!
Go to Pyukhtitsa, there are three steps to the Kingdom of Heaven, said St. John of Kronstadt. And it really is! We would like to open the borders as soon as possible!
She traveled as a pilgrim several times. An amazingly fertile place and a captivatingly warm welcome. A place where you feel with God and rethink your actions
I love your monastery very much. Through him, I became a priest. I was acquainted with the late Mother Barbara, she helped to establish our parish and build the church of the Church of the Russian Orthodox Church. Dimitry of Solunsky in the city of Lugansk.
With brotherly love, the rector of the Church of the Church. Demetrius of Thessalonica prot. Oleg Sour
A place untouched by wars or enmity. It is carefully groomed, cozy, fanned with legends and prayers. They will receive you here, feed you, listen to you, pray with you and for you...