Изделие из дрожжевого теста в виде кольца, жаренное в кипящем масле и посыпанное сахарной пудрой
1 Br1 pcs.
Авторский чай (350 мл) в ассортименте
Авторские чаи готовятся на основе фруктового пюре с добавление фруктов, трав, специй и пряностей.
-Грушевый с мятой
-Цитрусовый с имбирём
6 Br1 pcs.
Кофе Бамбл
Бамбл-кофе – это смесь эспрессо с апельсиновым соком.
Бамбл-кофе – это очень освежающий, летний напиток, но с отчетливым кофейным вкусом. Яркая цитрусовая свежесть оттеняется сладостью карамели в сочетании с кофе
7 Br1 pcs.
Лимонад (350 мл) в ассортименте
Холодный лимонад на основе фру ктового пюре с добавлением фруктов и сиропов
6 Br1 pcs.
Капучино (250 мл)
Капучино — кофейный напиток итальянской кухни на основе эспрессо с добавлением в него подогретого вспененного молока
This crumpet is just a godsend for all lovers of delicious, fresh pastries! 🌟 The crumpets here ** are airy, rosy, with a crisp crust and a delicate center** — such that you want to take more and more. Sprinkled with powdered sugar just enough for perfect taste.
The prices are pleasant, the quality is beyond praise. ** If it were possible to put 10 stars, I would put all 10!** I will definitely come back and advise my friends. 😍✨
I've visited this bakery more than once, and every time it was just amazing!
here you can note the cleanliness of the room, which is clearly being worked on, which adds to the mood. ✨
The staff is just wonderful, responsive and can always tell you something, the staff has a special respect.
the crumpets themselves are simply awesome for all lovers of sweets, no matter which you choose - cottage cheese or classic :) I can also recommend the author's pear tea to everyone, this tea is the very thing to give a winter atmosphere, this part simply cannot be taken away)
super fluffy, I recommend it to everyone!!
I don't understand so many rave reviews.. The crumpets are located in the center of Polotsk, and that's where all the advantages end (The cafe itself is located in a room next to the store.. There are very few seats, and the view of these places is frightening (because the windows are with bars).. The taste of donuts is quite ordinary, there is nothing interesting in it..If you want cottage cheese donuts, then alas, you will be disappointed here, because they are prepared only for a certain time ..
Thank you for your attention!