Мотоблок ОКА МБ-1Д2М10 с двигателем Lifan LF168F-2 6,5 л.с. В подарок (фрезы, удлинители осей)
Мотоблок ОКА МБ-1Д2М10 с двигателем Lifan LF168F-2 6,5 л.с..предназначен для обработки участков до 40 соток земли. https://promotoblok.by/products/motoblok-oka-mb-1d2m10-s-dvigatelem-lifan-lf168f-2-65-ls-v-podarok-frezy-udliniteli-osej
Great store!
I recently bought a tillerblock for my father. I am very pleased! The delivery was fast, delivered at exactly the appointed time. A nice bonus is free shipping! The courier told everything in detail, started the tillerblock, showed how to use it. Now Dad has an excellent assistant at the country house.
I recommend this store to anyone who is looking for high-quality agricultural machinery at a reasonable price
We tried to order a turn-key tillerblock. The negative moments started from the very beginning - getting through to them is still a quest, but okay, it doesn't happen to anyone. We accepted the order by phone, promised to collect and deliver it after 3-5 days.
After 2 days, the call was "Sorry, we didn't have time to transfer it to the transport company. On Friday or Saturday, we will definitely pass it on." All right, we'll wait.
Friday, lunch call: "We have assembled 2 tillers, but they are flowing. We will not be able to deliver, but we offer another one. It is weaker, but more expensive by 100-150 rubles." Let's leave aside the questions "we did not have time to transfer" and "collected, but it flows" aside, but offering the device is worse, but more expensive ...
The result was that we had to order from another company.
Not a reliable company, the assembly and verification is expensive 160 rubles (although from emergency calls to other companies the average price is up to 100 rubles), on the company's website this unit is "Available" (and now the question is, either they "sell" the tillerblock, or they tried to spin it for money) I cannot recommend this company.
A good store. I recommend. We consulted on the phone, told them, agreed on a certain time, arrived-showed them clearly, told them, collected, brought them. Very pleasant.