Изучение и анализ финансового состояния и факторов, влияющих на кредитоспособность Заказчика, оценка вероятности получения Заказчиком денежных средств.
Цены устанавливаются согласно прейскуранту цен, который опубликован на сайте proficredit.by
1000 Br1 pcs.
Устное и письменное информирование Заказчика о видах, условиях и порядке предоставления кредитов в банках либо иных кредитных организациях Республики Беларусь.
I want to express my gratitude to the Pro Credit campaign, we needed a large amount in a short time. The loan was issued very quickly, the specialist was in touch and advised on any issues that arose.
I wish you prosperity!
I would like to say a huge thank you for saving my time and choosing the really best loan.
I did not understand what the reason for the bank's refusals was, but the specialist helped me figure out, remove THIS STUMBLING BLOCK, and I have already received the amount that I needed, I will advise you all! thank you!!!!
Thanks to Profi Credit for the quick help in my situation, I started contacting banks, there were refusals I don't know why, they suggested that I could contact the expert organization Profi Credit, I applied and really everything was quickly resolved! Thank you so much