Вид икры красная Рыба лосось Способ посола зернистая Способ обработки соленая Произведено по ГОСТу да Энергетическая ценность в 100 г 262 ккал Белки в 100 г 32 г Жиры в 100 г 15 г Состав икра лососевая зернистая, соль, масло растительное, консерва...
Great store! Practically the first of them is the small ones that introduced the accounting system. Assortment, convenience. The buns are very good. The store has become a chain. Very cool!
A great store. A large selection of draught and snacks for it. It is especially convenient that there is coffee to take away and fresh pastries. Plus, it's not far from the waterfront. If you are hungry, you can take a snack with you and walk on.