В стоимость мойки входит: пена, воск, чернитель резины, полироль для пластика, очиститель стекол, пылесос в каждом посту, мойка днища, насадка для мой ки радиатора, насадка для мойки рамы внедорожников и помощь куратора в использовании!
Excellent car wash, there is a loyalty system for regular customers, pleasant water temperature, a large selection of chemicals and bright enough lighting, in the whole city I think this is the only car wash that is really made with convenience and customer care
The price tag of washing the car is very high, especially when you wash it yourself, there are car washes where you will wash the car and the time will not be on the timer and the price will be cheaper, I used to like the car wash often,now I prefer another one
The best self-service car wash in the city. Suitable for those who love their car. High-quality detergents, there is everything for a detailed washing. For dry cleaning. It is convenient to wash the car, everything is thought out. Clean and tidy. You can come with children, there is even a fare like this—The best dad. As a gift, they give colored foam and dry fog for the car interior.