I have been serving at Priorbank for a long time and have never regretted that I once chose it.
I can easily handle routine operations with the help of convenient banking applications.
However, when a problem arises that needs to be solved quickly and in the best way, I contact the customer service department (Mogilev, Leninskaya str., 63).
So the other day Priorbank once again helped me not only solve the problem, but also saved my money.
My deep gratitude to the customer service specialists Podstrelova E.V. and Streltsova O., who clearly and promptly helped me open a corporate card and transfer money from my account to it for self-spending.
Benevolence, competence, the ability to listen and recommend the most suitable services, to organize support in order to save your time – that's what distinguishes a truly client-oriented organization, as I see my bank in Mogilev on Leninskaya str., 63.
ODO "Center for effective personnel technologies "Human Capital" St. 790382737
Good afternoon. The polite, considerate staff helped with the solution of my question. Available information, electronic queue registration. Fast service. Thank you.
Meager limits on withdrawals per day, little money in ATMs, poor exchange rate, few branches and ATMs, nfc on ATMs does not work well, I have not encountered a worse bank in the Republic of Belarus
1. Currency at ATMs only in the center
2. You cannot deposit $100 in one bill on the card.
3. Eternal queues at the department
4. Prior Plus did not add points.
I am not a customer of the bank, as it happened, the prior's ATM did not return the card. A whole epic began, I called the support service, promised that after the collection the card would be transferred to the bank, they would inform me. Time passed, I called myself repeatedly, the promises were the same. I decided to come to the bank myself in the hope of some kind of enlightenment, there are such queues, as far as I understand, people wait for 3-4 hours. Fortunately for me, the support service called at 15.00, it was said that if I did not pick up the card by 18.00, she would leave for Minsk. I get off work, I wait in line for two hours, and they tell me your card has left for Minsk. They calmed me down and offered to get a new card. They were seriously upset.
I didn't like the bank. I was changing the currency for an hour, when the queue came up, they said there was no cash. With grief, the problem was solved in half, but I had to stand for another hour. I do not recommend this bank.
I have been a client for more than 10 years.Excellent bank, competent and fast service, you can make an appointment in advance by phone. Now there is a special offer: a new client of the bank receives 20 rubles on the card on your recommendation
I am a customer of your bank and I want to complain about your ATMs.On a sunny day, no information is visible on the scoreboard at all. I can't withdraw money again.I hope the management will hear me.ATM for the 30th anniversary of Victory and at the workplace.
A friendly team, but a bad working regime, I would like to at least do the regime from 9-00 to 15-00 on Saturday. and return it to the working day as before.
Ужасное обслуживание клиентов.получить карту невозможно 3 раза приходил в банк для получения готовой карты сидел в очереди по 3 часа так и не получив карты(операция с данной буквой талона выходит на табло 1-2раза в час ,а людей ожидающих в очереди не менее 10.в данной все недовольны,ожидать по пол дня 2 минутной операции,многие не выдерживают и ходят по 3 раза для получения карты.прошу принять меры
Хороший банк ,специалисты вежливые и компетентные.Очень понравилось обслуживание специалиста Ларисы.Очередь была ,но не бошьшая ,в течение 40 мин вопрос был решен..
Однажды был пользователем этого банка. Данный филиал посещал зачастую. Плюшек особо не получал, есть с чем сравнить. Но место хорошее, вежливые специалисты. небольшие очереди.
Ад существует, и он здесь. Рецепт как в него попасть:
Заказать карту
Появится после 5 и занять очередь
Вы застряли до закрытия и скорее усе не успели
2 кассы из 8 рабочих, 2-3 человека в час в лучшем случае
После работы с альфа банком, словно вернулся на 10 лет назад, платить коммуналку на белпочту
Ужасный банк, большие очереди, все медленно, нфс с мастеркард не работает до сих пор, операторы - консультанты нагло обманывают об информации ваших операций по карте. Лучше не сотрудничайте с этим банком, один из худших
Очень неудобный график работы с 9.00 до 17.00. Сб вс выходные. Работая с 8. 00 до 17.00 в банк попасть не реально. Постоянно дикие очереди из-за такого графика работы!