Ручной импульсный запайщик пакетов FS-200ABS Lite (пластик. корп.)Ручной импульсный запайщик пакетов FS-200ABS Lite (пластик. корп.)
FS-200ABS Lite – это наиболее компактная модель в серии ручных импульсных запайщиков FS от завода Hualian. Особенностью модификации Lite является комплектация менее мощным трансформатором, чем в моделях FS LOW COST и просто FS. Он предназначен для...
Order 8575-p1
A wonderful store, a large assortment of goods for the restaurant! Sellers are generally wonderful guys, they will tell you and help you if you are having difficulty choosing a product!)
They took a pressure grill, a frying surface, a deep fryer, a refrigerator for drinks, a refrigerator table, a freezer chest, salad boards, knives, a dishwasher.
Order 8375-H12
I bought more
Thermal showcase Airhot HW-1
Prismafood BASIC 44 Pizza Oven
Refrigerator cabinet Cooleq TBC-46
Airhot SL 220 Slicer
Cleaning machine TORGMASH OM-350M-02
tables, stainless steel bathtubs of
gastro capacity.
Perhaps the most convenient and best place where you can buy professional equipment, I have already applied for the 3rd time.
Flexible guys, on-time delivery, with documentation in order. The guys are happy. I wish you development.
Order 11343-11
Marmite Abat PMES-70KM
Marmite Abat EMC-70KM
Asta MN-70KM Neutral Abat Module
(21000803570) Asta MN-70KM Neutral Abat Module (21000803570)
Refrigerated display counter with flat table top Abat Asta PVV(H)-70KM-S-NSH stainless steel table top (21000011053)
Hot drinks counter Abat Asta PGN-70KM-03 kashir (21000802118)
Plate heating counter Abat Asta PTE-70KM-80 kashir (21000807547)
Everything is fine, the price and delivery time have all stood up.
But we were 4 days late with the connection service.
For this 4 stars.
And so they were treated very often, everything is fine.