Битрикс24 - это полный комплект инструментов для организации работы всей компании. Купить лицензию на коробочную версию CRM Битрикс24 можно в компании Правильные интеграторы.
Корпоративный портал (CRM) - от 50 пользователей.
5400 Br
Продажа лицензий Битрикс24
Облачные тарифы Битрикс24 - от 55 рублей в месяц.
55 Br
Внедрение Битрикс24
Быстрое и эффективное пакетное внедрение Битрикс24
для систематизации ваших продаж!
Быстрый старт - внедрение до 2-х месяцев.
(с учетом ввода в эксплуатацию и обучения сотрудников).
От вас не нужно готовое Техническое Задание. Мы все сделаем сами.
"The right integrators" are really the right ones :)
We carefully studied the internal processes of the company, painstakingly collected information about what the company needs. Just a couple of days later, they gave a detailed answer about how they can help our company.
We have implemented VATS and E-POS electronic payments for us, set up printed forms (contracts, invoices, commercial offers, etc.), and optimized the sales funnel. We have not missed the optimization of communications with our customers: all communication now takes place inside the CRM system and the message history is recorded.
They also automated the processes (in their avian language, these are robots), which allowed them to automatically send commercial offers and set reminders about meetings. This significantly relieved employees' time for more important tasks.
Definitely 5 stars!
The Right Interators have been our Bitrix24 contractors for several years now.
Thanks to their professionalism, we are able to solve the most difficult tasks of implementing and optimizing many processes. And this is not to mention the high-quality tech.support in case of current issues.
We are very glad that we work with this company and can always rely on them.
A great team of professionals! We have been working with them for more than three years, launching a CRM system from scratch. We are satisfied with the cooperation and can recommend it - if you are looking for a decent Bitrix integrator, then you can safely contact us.