Previously, this place was called "Supermarket", then "El Dorado", then "Polyana", then "Lime" - after the names of what was there and worked at different times. Now there is "El Dorado" again, but not the El Dorado that was before, but a discounted, Deneerovian Eldorado on minimals :-) Old-timers, as before, call this place "Supermarket" Periodically put a Christmas tree there for the New Year and there was something like folk festivals. On the side there is a gym "Leader", near which, in the evenings, especially on weekends, young people gather in cars, chill and compete with who has the coolest music in the car :-)
He's a Lime. Not a bad supermarket. There are adequate prices for some product groups. There is social bread. Sometimes they like to punch in a check what you didn't buy, optimizing your expenses in this way.
This supermarket is now called LIME. The store is good. The only annoying thing is that the guards are on my heels. Vigilance is good, but it's still not worth going to extremes.