A good clinic. There are many good specialists. However, they change very often. Apparently, there is competition with private clinics. If you go by appointment in advance with a coupon, then it's right on time clearly. Polite service. Elevator. There are a lot of toilets. There is even a dining room. Ultrasound, X-ray, mammography, etc. In general, a mini polyclinic city is like this, you can live there all day (God forbid). Take care of your health! Lead a proper lifestyle. For no one but yourself will make you healthier.
I would like to thank Kassymtai Kundyz Aydynkyzy (Shakhterov section, 60) for their professionalism and attentive attitude to patients. Sincerely, Asel
the clinic is not great, they don't pick up the phone at the reception..What do they need a phone for anyway?the appearance of the clinic is pleasant.doctors really like to be rude, but it will do.