Well, firstly, it has long been a sacred place, and secondly, it is a work of ancient architecture. A very favorite place for locals and visitors of the city!
It is located right on the banks of the Chagan River. It's especially crowded here for Epiphany!
An hour-long prayer is held, an ice hole is illuminated where you can get water and wash yourself, as well as the font itself. Specially made steps and a place where you can stand while you take a dip are installed in the font. They set up a warm tent where you can change clothes. The Cossacks keep the tent warm all night and during the day, and they keep order accordingly.
There are also police officers and an ambulance on duty.
Parking is available.
A beautiful monastery! A magnificent stone temple, a magnificent wooden temple, the choir sings beautifully, and the services are beautiful. Everything is well-maintained. The water at the holy spring is very tasty. Long life to Yehumenia Varvara, to all the servants of this monastery.