Sukhum has a fairly long beach and embankments. During the entire stay (12 days), the sea was disturbed twice, and the rest of the days there was calm, the water was clean and transparent, there were pebbles near the shore, and after 1.5-2 meters sand was felt underfoot, the entrance to the water was not sharp, which is convenient for those who rest with children or do not swim very confidently. There are cafes, changing rooms, and fresh water showers on the beach. There are sun beds, umbrellas, but you can sunbathe on your own bedspreads or towels, there are also entertainment options (subs, catamarans, banana rides), you can take a ride on a yacht, a pleasure boat. The ads are not intrusive. No one is shouting into a megaphone. This beach is an ideal place for a relaxing holiday and enjoying the sea
Super beach is like a beach to throw pebbles into the water, take a walk in the evenings, stand on Princeton in the summer, there are a lot of stalls of different kinds, but in the summer there are people. It's much better to go there for the winter holidays 15g from the sea is just what you need the sun is just in the theme in short cheap angry
Sukhum has two impressions, the SEA is always cool, but the rest: a lot of garbage (although they try to clean up the beaches), ruins and burnt buildings are depressing. And so - beautiful nature, the locals are mostly good people. Bottom line: it is possible and necessary to go if someone was not there, I would visit again.