- Время пребывания с 09:00 до 14:00, вторая группа с 14:00 до 19:00 (дополнительные часы оговариваются персонально).
- Прогулка (60 минут)
- Питание 3 раза.
- занятия согласно расписанию.
30000 ₽1 d
Дни рождения
Дни рождения и праздники на любую тематику для вашей компании
5000 ₽1 h
Развивающие занятия для малышей
Индивидуальные развивающие занятия для детей от 1,5 лет. Продолжительность 30 минут.
When my daughter was two years old, we tried sending her to a daycare closer to our home without success. She would wake up most mornings and the first thing out of her mouth was pleading not to go to daycare that day. So we ended up quitting sending her there after about two weeks. It was all very traumatic for her, as well as, us. A few months later at the park playground, one of the grandmothers told me that they had a similar situation with their grandson and she suggested we try sending our daughter to Plastiline. At first, we would just send her to classes a couple times a week and then, very quickly, my daughter started looking forward to going. From there we went to half-days and then my daughter even started asking why am I picking her up so early as she was still having fun. So we went to full-days and that’s been over a year and a half now. It’s been a great success. My daughter truly loves going to
Plastiline. She loves her friends and her teachers there. It has been a great relief for me and her mother that she has adjusted so well. We are very thankful.
Все лето ходим в Пластилин, ребенок всегда бежит в хорошем настроении в игровую! Воспитатели супер милы с детьми и родителями.
Фото в течении дня присылали всегда, становится еще спокойней.
Удобно что есть свой двор для прогулок!
Ходим в Пластилин почти полгода. Ребенку нравится. Начинали ходить с часа в день. Надеюсь, скоро попадем в группу на постоянной основе. Воспитатели милые, к детям доброжелательны и внимательны. На занятия ребенок ходит с удовольствием