Лечебно-столовая хлоридно-гидрокарбонатная натриевая, борная (соляно-щелочная) природная питьевая минеральная вода средней минерализации (7,0–10,0 г/л) Состав минеральной воды «Ессентуки № 4» Минеральная вода «Ессентуки № 4» содержит (мг/л): Анион...
There's a lot of queue on Fridays)
The friendly staff offers a wide selection of beer, spirits and snacks.
Pleasant promotions. I like that you can call and check availability.
A great store with a good selection. The sellers are friendly, helpful and polite. The minus is the traffic jams in the store during rush hour)) We need to open a couple more branches on KSHT. The wave doesn't reach you.