A 7-year-old child has contracted rotavirus. Alas, I do not know the name of the doctor, but he helped us a lot. He examined it carefully, questioned it and gave clear instructions for action. Moreover, they were diagnosed immediately in the absence of obvious symptoms, except for temperature. They thought ARVI, because the temperature was high for a day (no vomiting, no diarrhea). And another day after the visit to the doctor, everything happened... But we have already started to give the necessary drugs and jumped out of this condition very quickly. Thanks a lot to him!
About the paid reception... And what did you want, citizens? You didn't come under a policy, you're in another country.
They were treated with abdominal pain, initially there was a suspicion of appendicitis, but the doctors of this hospital said that it was not appendicitis, they put an IV that completely cleanses the intestines. After a few hours, there was a very sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen. Then we realized that it was appendicitis. When we got to the hospital in Gagra as quickly as possible, we were told that the man was in a very serious condition, the operation lasted 6 hours. At the moment, we are waiting and praying that everything is fine. Due to this drip, all the contents of the stomach went into the stomach. There are no doctors in this hospital, but fake doctors who can only insert inappropriate jokes and blink their eyes. If it were possible to put a score below one, I would do it with pleasure