Жареное куриное филе с беконом и Моцареллой в хрустящей панировке Панко, картофельные лодочки, сливочно-сырный соус с вялеными томатами, пармезан, руккола
21.9 Br300 g
Паста Альфредо Спагетти
Паста со сливочно-сырным соусом с вялеными томатами, шампиньоны, куриное филе, пармезан, руккола
16.8 Br340 g
Паста Карбонара с пашот Спагетти
Паста со сливочным соусом и вином, бекон и чеснок, яйцо пашот, Джюгас, шпинат
18.9 Br330 g
Цезарь с теплой курицей
Листья салата, томаты черри, теплое куриное филе, пармезан, заправка с анчоусами, гренки с травами
16.9 Br205 g
Борщ с говяжьими щеками
Свекла, картофель, морковь, лук, томатная паста, чеснок, подается с говяжьими щеками и сметаной
We went to eat yesterday, a wonderful place, a pleasant atmosphere, I really liked the pizza with honey mushrooms. The pleasant girl Vlada served, everything was fast and cool. We will come back more than once)
And so, we were with friends on the evening of November 11th. The waitress came over quickly. One of the friends made an order right away (Hawaiian pizza, colsons and a drink), the rest a little later. The waitress came 3 times while we were openly reading the menu and thinking what to order. On the one hand, this is good, on the other - if a person sees that we are flipping back and forth through the menu and talking, then why approach? There were 3-4 people besides us, there were 7-8 hours.
Farther. We all made an order, 2 pizzas in total. They brought everything at the same time in 10 minutes. But the pizza that was ordered earlier was already cold, dry and burnt. It was so bad that it crunched with every bite. The second pizza, which was ordered later, was warm.
The drinks were served in dirty dishes. I worked at the bar myself, and purely on principle I sat rubbing a glass with a napkin (pina colada, no photo). The milkshake glass was also dirty (photo).
There are no questions for the staff, but for the service as such, yes. 3 crispy pizzas out of 10
we arrived at the restaurant on January 17, there were plenty of waiters on shift, and the hall was 60% empty, after placing the order we began to wait, ordered 2 medium-sized pizzas... after 40 minutes of waiting, we started glancing at the waiter, because for pizza it was too long, he rolled his eyes all the time and went somewhere, 90% of the time I didn't even see him, after almost AN HOUR OF WAITING FOR TWO PIZZAS, he quickly threw them to us and ran away, there were no apologies for the delay, warnings, etc., the pizzas themselves were almost tasteless, and the dough was burnt from the bottom, we were very hungry by this point, so we had to eat
I don't recommend a place, except to drink coffee and kill time, and even then I can't guarantee the quality of the drink, we haven't tried it.
it takes an hour in all establishments for the main dishes, well, not pizza, there is no waiter all the time, everyone defiantly turns away and leaves, we paid off with the first one, because again, ours was not there