A complete dilution.
All the diagnoses that can determine this are something like "high cholesterol at 55 years old" or "maybe you have toxoplasmosis, go through more examinations (it is in half, and now even more, of the entire population).".. In short, the office is very similar to charlatans (in fact, it is). They do not hesitate to treat seriously ill patients, whose delay can be very expensive (our case, unfortunately), prescribe sweet pills irradiated with "magical radiation of secret developments", and they say it is treated only with them... Unfortunately, a lot of people are looking for such "magic" pills for all diseases, and such as this office on this weakness, through deception, earn money and, worst of all, sometimes cause harm.
It is a pity that, as practice shows, it is very, very difficult to criminalize in Ukraine for such a thing (