Говядина в кебабе обладает насыщенным вкусом и ароматом. Лаваш придаёт блюду лёгкость и удобство. Кебаб в лаваше сочетает мягкость мяса и нежность теста
468 с250 g
Лепешка на углях
179 с250 g
Этот сытный перекус сочетает в себе нежность мяса и насыщенность специй. Благодаря насыщенному вкусу блюдо создаёт ощущение домашнего уюта
456 с300 g
Соус к шашлыку
Классический и универсальный соус, приготовленный на основе томатов
155 с100 g
Шашлык из баранины
528 с200 g
Шашлык из говядины
Этот сытный перекус сочетает в себе нежность мяса и насыщенность специй. Благодаря насыщенному вкусу блюдо создаёт ощущение домашнего уюта
528 с200 g
Шашлык из курицы
468 с200 g
Шашлык из печени в рубашке
Этот сытный перекус сочетает в себе нежность печени и насыщенность вкуса. Благодаря насыщенному вкусу блюдо создаёт ощущение домашнего уюта
479 с220 g
Шашлык из свинины
Этот сытный перекус сочетает в себе нежность свинины и насыщенность специй. Благодаря насыщенному вкусу блюдо создаёт ощущение домашнего уюта
Probably one of the best establishments in the city! A huge area with tables under a canopy, moreover, is fenced off from the street by a high solid fence. Large tables where you can have a great time in a big company. You can smoke! Moreover, the waiters release the ashtray immediately. There are a lot of waiters, they just fly around the room, the service is very fast. By the way, they all have something like a walkie-talkie. The prices are quite low, there are a lot of snacks and meat in all kinds. The kebab is delicious, the meat just melts in your mouth. All the snacks are super! Be sure to order a set with bacon! And onion rings and shrimp. Well, absolutely everything was very tasty! But be sure to specify the size of the dish. We foolishly ordered a salad and snacks and hot dishes for everyone, but when we started to take it all out, of course we were very surprised🤓 The serving is beautiful, the portions are huge. Of course, food tourism can be arranged in Bishkek, but even after almost a month in Kyrgyzstan, this pub surprised us. I recommend it to everyone from the bottom of my heart. But keep in mind that after 21 pm all the tables are filled and it gets a little noisy. But the music is just great by the way.
On August 18, 2024, we came to your Pint for dinner - to eat delicious mutton. We took vegetables for her, potatoes, shrimps. Drinks were brought - cracked dishes. They asked to replace it - they brought a cracked one again. Have you brought out the mutton - a question for the cook and the administration - what quality do you serve the products? When was the last time you looked at the marking? But I'll come back to that later. Grilled vegetables are not ready. Why should I eat a hearty onion, then, excuse me, stink for 2 days?! The man didn't like the over-salted shrimp. Tea - which was brought AFTER the meal, although it was ordered very first. Water with sugar? Thank you.
But the most interesting thing began the next day - tumbling in the stomach, nausea, diarrhea. All three of them have guests. Even 20 tablets of charcoal did not help the younger guest to relieve his symptoms. Thank you, we will not come to you again. A year ago there was a normal cook, we had no complaints! Goodbye. They rolled down.