Необычное представление традиционного сыра чечил, обжаренного в кукурузной панировке до золотистой корочки
2090 ₸140 g
Креветки пинта
3890 ₸300 g
Сырная закуска
3290 ₸400 g
Чесночные гарлики Пинта
990 ₸200 g
Mushroom суп-пюре
2090 ₸300 g
Паста альфредо
2790 ₸400 g
Антрекот на кости
4990 ₸400 g
Тибон стейк
4990 ₸400 g
Шницель из куриного филе
2590 ₸470 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
I've been there a few times. One of the advantages has always been delicious food and drinks (cocktails). Now from the cons: It's very noisy on the ground floor, you can't talk, on the second floor it's quieter if there's no banquet. Letnik is along the road on a fairly busy street, it's not pleasant. Sofas and tables are dead, you look at a soft sofa, and when you sit down you find yourself on a wooden bench, it's not comfortable to sit at all. As for the staff, it happened that the waiter had to wait 30 minutes, while walking by and saying "now, now" every time, and it was 5 minutes later he came up and took the order and then every half hour he clarified "do I need anything else?"
In general, it's not a bad place to go there is not much to eat and drink, but not for long warm gatherings with friends.