ANGELS LIVE AND WORK HERE. ACCORDING TO THE SOUL AND ESSENCE. (As in many other animal shelters. But especially here). Regardless of the outer, terrestrial shell. Following God's commandments and fulfilling a high human purpose. Now the main angel, Victoria Vasilyeva, is called to the Lord, to eternal life. Our infinite gratitude to her and the Kingdom of Heaven. And to her friends, co-missionaries, and co-workers, our deepest condolences. And God's help for the continuation of her life's work. And our human help and support. Hold on!
A good place for stray animals, there are several friendly enough tailed ones walking around the territory, who limp, who pull their paws, I feel sorry for them all, everyone's fate is not easy.
We came with a dog to get an X-ray, everything was done quickly and efficiently, but at the entrance we had to bang on the gate for quite a long time (15-20 minutes), because no one opened it, although we called 15 minutes before arrival. We tried to call, but for some reason there is a very bad connection.