We cooperate in the revision of 1s8 and the transition to cash services from another operator. Everything is solved promptly, it is a pleasure to cooperate. Personal systems try to go to a meeting and help, the main thing is to clearly set the terms of reference.
Addendum 09/29/2024 The last 4 months of cooperation have significantly deteriorated, paid hours were not worked, breakfast was served, staff turnover occurred, we entered the situation and waited for everything to get better, but, unfortunately, we did not wait. The head showed himself on the negative side, did not get in touch. We lost 4 months waiting. It was also unpleasant when they discovered that some settings had fallen off during the termination of cooperation, since they were tied specifically to the integrator, and not to the owner. I recommend it only for one-time cooperation!!!
We have been working at Bitrix24 for many years. We were constantly looking for a good integrator. Before we ran into the guys, we tried to work once with 2 contractors. None of them could implement our request, they considered the tasks very difficult. We consulted with Mikhail and his team, and together we were able to build an excellent interface for the entire company. We got into our specifics and proposed a project where there is nothing superfluous, but all our wishes are taken into account. Tasks are performed accurately and on time. There were no difficulties in the process either. If we encounter a misunderstanding in the course of work, we quickly find out everything via video link. The guys are always ready to listen, offer options and solutions. During the cooperation, we have implemented many complex and important tasks. We are sure that this is not the limit) We will continue to improve and optimize our Bitrix together!
I would like to thank Mikhail and the entire Personal Systems team for their friendly, professional support in the development and refinement of the ceramist.store website, 1C accounting database and Bitrix24 CRM.
Thank you for taking on non-trivial tasks and solving them brilliantly!
I sincerely wish you success and hope for further fruitful cooperation.
Работаю уже 1.5 года с этой компанией. За всё время сотрудничества, всю работу выполняли качественно и в срок. Очень доволен и буду в дальнейшем с ними работать. Еще как один из плюсов стоит добавить то, что помогают с интеграцией 1С и Битрикс24 (а это избавляет от обращений в несколько компаний, которые занимаются либо 1С, либо Битрикс24). На сегодняшний день сотрудничество продолжается.
Хочу выразить благодарность ребятам. Очень быстро реагируют и профессионально выполняют свою работу. Работаем с 2020 года, все супер. Выполнили в 1с 8 хьюмен даже то, от чего другие программисты отказывались.
Взяли доработку партионного учёта для торговли. Отлично работает, часто выходят обновления.
Ребята выслушали и адаптировали некоторые нюансы под наши требования!
Сервис ужасный! Заказали доработку 1С в феврале 2021 года, ждём до сих пор. Полный игнор, трубку не берут! Если и дозвонимся до директора, то только одни обещания все исправить и на этом все!