We did Thai massage. But the time was cut by ten minutes. At least instruct the masters. Let them do it for an extra five minutes. Unpleasant. And so the Thai people do it normally. In the city, there are mostly fake massages everywhere.
It is difficult to evaluate the massage itself - it is quite subjective, everyone likes their own. But I also liked the massage very much - everything is systematic, strong, but in moderation, all areas have been worked out. Perhaps one of the best Thai massages, including Thailand itself :) But I would also like to say especially about the service: very friendly staff, everything is clear, recorded quickly, after the massage they gave tea. In short, I highly recommend it!
There are spa programs, massages. I liked the Thai massage. Friendly staff. The territory is small, but the atmosphere is cozy. It is located in the old town. With a friend or girlfriends, with sisters or moms, you can come and relax.