I stopped by before work. I asked for a ring with vanilla cream and other buns. Looking into the bag, I realized that I had been given a "creamy" ring. When I said that I was given the wrong thing, they started saying that I was calling it wrong, there were only one rings, and what I wanted was a bun, although I emphasized VANILLA CREAM (there is no ring with vanilla cream!). I repeat to her that there is no ring with vanilla cream and it was possible to clarify exactly what I mean. The problem is not that someone names the buns incorrectly and misunderstands each other and gives away another product. And the problem is that the seller continued to develop a conflict situation. It would be possible to smooth it all out and suggest solutions. And not to stand and prove my case, even if I made a mistake with the name of the product. The mood was spoiled, I was in a hurry to go to work, so I would write a review in the complaint book and demanded to replace the bun. And the products are always on top)
I express my great gratitude to the company for the excellent selection of bakery products, for what you are, for a good selection of staff, I am happy to be served in this store constantly, I would ask you to award the whole team. Friendly employees in all shifts, attentive, courteous, polite, really want to be served in this store always. Thanks to both management and employees!
I really like these buns they are not expensive and very tasty always fresh
And in general the staff here is also very good in general just a super bomb a rocket cannon
The quality of baking, dough, etc. The ingredients are terrible, the puff pastry is not puff pastry at all, Donuts with a lot of butter, muffins bought in the morning by the evening of the same day are dry. In general, the queues are crazy, apparently people like it, but I can distinguish high-quality products from low-quality ones, I do not advise wasting time and eating there, if only to make sure of this on my own.
Отличная сеть пекарен. Выпечка свежая, очень вкусная, ароматная!
Цены вполне соответствуют качеству и адекватные. Очень вкусный кофе. Обслуживание хорошее, приятные продавцы, которые всегда подробно расскажут о продукции и вкусовых качествах)
Удачи и хороших клиентов!
Очень вкусная выпечка, но раньше были булочки со сгущенкой. Сосиски в тесте отличные, Мороженое зашибись, Но мучает то что в тарталетках слишком много сладости. Ну а так отлично
Мороженое вкусное, хлеб есть можно, а вот выпечку и кондитерские изделия не советую. Всего пару позиций со сливочным маслом, остальное все на маргарине. Просто не вкусно. Сейчас есть альтернатива в Бресте «Будешь булочку», но цены там гораздо дороже, хотя выпечка обалденная.
Маргарин почти что везде. Очередь из людей которые готовы добровольно отдать денег за маргарин в своём желудке это для меня загадка. Дорогие люди, уважайте храм своей души. Вам потом его лечить, так как за всё платить надо. В том числе за дешевые пирожки. Для организма это стоит дорого.
Кофе неплохой.