The name of the pass "Joyful" is not official, it was given by tourists. But it fully reflects the feeling at an altitude of 2306 meters above sea level at the sight of a unique panorama of the legendary Belukha and Katun ridge. With binoculars, you can perfectly see its two peaks, glaciers, and view the path to the Saddle and the Eastern peak of Belukha. Only 30 kilometers in a straight line, now separates us from the Joyful pass to the top of Mount Belukha. The pass is located between the rivers Arasan and Chernaya Berel. The walk to the Joyful pass begins from the sanatorium "Rakhmanovskie Klyuchi", the length of the trail directly (according to the map) is about 3 km (2800 m). Taking into account the zigzag ascent due to the steepness of the slope, the length of the trail is about 4 km. From a bird's eye view in the southeast, we will enjoy the view of Lake Rakhmanovskoye, which stretches from northwest to southeast in the valley of the Arasan River.