Keep an eye on the timing of the sale of the product. There is a lot of delay. Not long ago I took salami with chopsticks. On the label, the weight is overestimated from 10 to 12 grams per stick. As a result, the deception is 32 grams. They said it was shrinking. I shouldn't care about that. They must re-weigh the goods and make cuts within a certain period of time. In general, I advise you to resort to the help of control scales. And next time, an administrative protocol with sanctions up to 10 basic ones will be drawn up for them. This is the first time. I do not recommend it.
Normally, not the avenue of course ..., often one cash register works and a queue is created when you are in a hurry, it is unnerving, especially when there are 4-5 chain stores nearby, but I chose this one..
They sell sour minced meat with a smell, so I bought the fillet, but it has a smell.
In general, the store is normal, but it is better not to go into the department with its own production.
Very often there are huge queues, or one or two ticket offices are open.
There was a delay.
There is a choice, and coffee can be found at an acceptable price, and the meat selection is good, but there are no cashiers! And during rush hour, you can get stuck there for 30 minutes. The bus stop is nearby, the store is big, you can stop!
High-quality products, discounts and polite attitude to customers make a very good impression and you always want to come shopping again. By the way, there is a cafe where you can drink or take coffee with you.
the assortment of sausages is at a low level, in fact there is no delicious sausage, there are no normal fruits, lemons are always soft, they are only in the trash, apples are not the first freshness, small ones look at them as a discounted product and do not want to buy, etc. there is no choice, there are comments on meat. The fish is rotten at all