Легкая и красивая беременность - это то о чем мечтает каждая женщина!
Что может быть проще, чем подарить себе радость плавания.
В воде нагрузка распределяется на все группы мышц, в том числе мышцы живота, тазового дна и малого таза.
32 Br45 min
Грудничковое плавание
Группа "Мама+малыш" - это группа грудничкового плавания для деток с 2-х месяцев вместе с мамами или папами. Эта прекрасная возможность укрепить семейные отношения, получить удовольствия и приятные эмоции.
65 Br35 min
Обучение плаванию детей от 4 лет
Плавание для детей от 4 лет - это новый этап становления юного спортсмена. И возможно, вы никогда раньше не обучались плаванию, но это не должно Вас останавливать на пути освоения водной стихии.
I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the excellent penguin swimming center! At the entrance, a polite receptionist greets you and immediately gives you a tour of the center. The center itself looks great inside, it's just a bomb for children, there is a desire to study there before you get into the pool itself. A swimming diary is a very cool thing for a child, in addition, the center has its own cafe, a game room, a training room where children warm up before the pool. There is also a private parking under the barrier. In the changing rooms there are babysitters who help children change clothes, get dressed and dry their hair. After the pool, children visit the sauna and drink tea. The whole center is very clean. Therefore, there are not so many such centers, and given their professional coaching staff, few can compare with it. Definitely a score of 10 out of 10 Thanks for the work!!!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to coach Alexey Voronov for his professional approach and invaluable contribution to our Daughter's education. He is a professional in his field, as focused as possible in the training process, always kind and responsive, calm and reasonable. A well-structured training process and an approach to our child brought the desired result from the first lesson!!! Our daughter attends training sessions with great pleasure and does not even think about the achieved results. Many thanks to Alexey for teaching our Daughter to swim, this is the Best Assessment for Our COACH!!!
Everything is great! A great bass player for learning to stay on the water! Clean, neat! Cozy cafe! You can have a snack or a full lunch! A game room! There are comfortable sofas and pillows for mothers buried in a smartphone. The coaching staff is professionally selected.
I recommend it!
Everything is at the highest level. There is a monitoring area for parents, and a cafe, a game room, a warm-up room. Special thanks to coaches Alexander and Arseny, and to nanny Anya. Next summer I will send the child here to the camp.