They do not give a receipt with the exact time of arrival at the parking lot. I paid in full for the second hour due to thirty-six 36 SECONDS!
I know exactly what time I got in and out of the car in the parking lot. Apparently the parking clock is working in its own direction.
And that's not all... Previously, the first hour was free, now it is not. If you stop by, pay up.
In winter, there is a continuous skating rink. Car owners sued the management, they were against it in response! As a result, the court sided with the car owners.
It seemed to be convenient at first, everything was fine. But over time, things didn't get much better. It is very slippery in winter. The cars just roll by themselves. Even when you park it, it slides sideways in front of your eyes. There is not enough anti-slip coating. Then the free hour was removed. I think, well, okay (although in many Minsk centers there is free for the first time)
And then something was done with the payment machines. It is no longer possible to pay with a card in them, only in cash or using a QR code that does not work at all, it sends an error to the bank's application. I had to pay from an employee through a terminal that was sitting at the entrance. In general, it's a pleasure, not parking.
If it were possible not to put stars, I would not put any!
I drove out of the parking lot, began to pay, and the bill acceptor does not accept money. I tried different bills, I didn't accept any bills. I called the man who works in the parking lot, he began to try it himself, the result did not change, to which he replied that until I paid, he would not let me out. Well, how do I pay if the bill acceptor does not accept money? I advised you to change the money, the shops are open from 10 am, at 9.45 am! As a result, I lost 15 minutes, changed the money, they also do not accept it further, to which the parking attendant shrugged his shoulders and did not react in any way. On the 50th attempt, I somehow accepted the bills, I was late for work. When I asked for a complaint book, they told me to leave it on the site, I specified on which site, the answer is- we are MISUNDERSTOOD!
to say that I'm in shock is not to say anything, thank you for being late for work!
Удобный паркинг? Не, не слышали.
Раньше на въезде ты брал талон и выезжал по нему. Теперь чтобы выехать надо сообразить, где платить и куда бежать. Карты Мир не принимаются. Хорошо, что рядом был сотрудник и помог с паркоматом, когда за тобой собралось уже скопление машин. А что делать, если налички нет?
Разметки нигде нет. Никаких стрелочек на дороге, стенах. Никаких указателей. Сообрази сам, где выход.
Лифты. Это вообще сплошной вопрос! Нет нулевого уровня. Чтобы приехать на 2 этаж паркинга, тебе нужно в лифте нажать на 3 кнопку. Но и об этом ты узнаешь, внимательно изучив вывеску в лифте. Господа! А как же ЧП? Вдруг случится пожар? Как человек в стрессовой ситуации сообразит, как покинуть ваш паркинг, через все лабиринты, что вы построили?
Далее. Чтобы попасть из паркинга в бизнес центр, нужно (внимание!) уехать на загадочном лифте на улицу, обойти здание и только потом проникнуть на секретный объект! :)
И это за час бесплатной парковки. Том Круз был бы рад каждый день тут бывать.
Ну, и последнее: в темный цвет окрасили парковку изнутри, наверное специально, чтоб в тёмное время суток (да и в светлое, похоже, тоже) ты ничерта не видел! Особенно в зеркала заднего вида. Всё для людей.
Great parking when it's warm and terrible in winter. It is simply dangerous to drive above the 2nd floor of the parking lot, it demolishes regardless of the drive and rubber. If you don't mind breaking your bumpers and headlights, then the norm is
Отличный и просторный Паркинг. Достаточно широкие проезды с этажа на этаж (это важно особенно на поворотах). Самое главное это возможность поставить авто на 2 часа бесплатно. Сотрудники вежливые, если есть какие вопросы, всегда помогут.
Level 7 Local Expert
February 2
The advantages were fully described by others.
Among the disadvantages, parking is paid only at ATMs, of which there are only two. Please add the possibility of payment via banking.