Лучшее место для посещения семьей!
Долго собирался поехать из Минска, не пожалел. Все очень красиво , чисто. Животных можно покормить, погладить. Самое большое впечатление произвела вторая зона, где олени и страусы эму гуляют прямо по дорожкам и подходят, дают погладить, сфотографироваться. Эмоции на уровне.
Есть где покушать, 4-5 кафе/ларьков на территории. Везде умывальники, туалеты. Комнаты для мам с детьми, все есть. Рекомендую, дети получат незабываемые впечатления
The emotions of a child are the most important thing and for adults these impressions will remain for a long time-it's worth spending 2 hours on the road from Brest. The prices certainly bite a little, but still. 2 locations 30 rub adult , 20 rub child.
I do not recommend going to this place at all. In words only, this is a petting zoo, in real life there are few animals, all behind bars, both tortured and half-dead. Prices are being charged to look at nothing and no one. It was much better when it first opened. It is necessary that the regulatory authorities pay attention to this office! For the entire time of the walk, which is 30 minutes, there is nothing more to do there, we did not meet more than one employee who keeps order, animals and in general can tell us something. You will pay for admission + food + inside the territory itself. If you want to look at some unusual animals, you will pay extra.
I really liked this park. A great place to relax with the whole family. We spent the whole day, especially liked the second part of "Lesnaya tayamnitsa". I recommend…
1. Lots of animals
2. Plenty of space for animals
3. Cleanliness and order
1. The animals seem to be overfed
2. The animals seem to be overloaded and squeezed
3. Children do not understand when not to touch animals.
I want to come there when everything is completed and the children will be in schools and kindergartens! And I will choose a time so that the weather is not hot (since most of the animals were sleeping and hiding…
An amazing place, lots of animals, lots of birds, in the second location you can feed many. I thought nothing would surprise me, in terms of animals, I was wrong. I advise everyone. It's cheaper on weekdays.
Utter delight! The European level and scale are breathtaking! The animals are well-groomed, trusting and friendly. But if you are going to go, plan for the whole day
You won't be able to run fast
Отличное место. Много животных , гуляющих на свободе. Можно погладить , покормить, по фоткаться. Можно купить корм для животных, цена умеренная, 7 белорусских рублей за корзинку.
Хорошая организация - никаких очередей в туалеты, кафе, много мест отдыха нет необходимости искать свободную лавочку, чтобы присесть, всего достаточно.
В кафе цены умеренные, фаст-фуд вполне себе вкусный.
Отлично провели время. Будем рядом - обязательно заедем ещё).
We came from Minsk, we really liked everything, if you have children you will definitely have a good time. It was clear that construction work was underway and even more variety would be added, we would come again in a couple of years.
A fantastic place. Everything is thought out, convenient. The animals are well-groomed, contact, willingly approach and beg for food. You can feed a lot of people, and throughout the territory, unlike our zoos in Grodno and Minsk. The kids are just delighted, and so are the parents. I was very pleased that everything was thought out for visiting with children, bicycle rental for children, a room for mom and child, aviaries are made so that the child sees the animal from his height and can feed himself. The only thing is, we were in November and stood in line for a very long time to feed the children, one tent obviously could not cope with food.
The atmosphere is very pleasant. The animals look well-groomed. You can just walk next to them and feed them. The territory is huge. You need to plan at least 4 hours to get around everything
Супер место для отдыха, людей правда в сезон прям оооочень много. На входе очередь обычно, но работники работают оперативно и вы давали простоите там больше 20 минут. Ещё из плюсов можно выделить много туалетов, много мест где можно посидеть (горки, качели разных видов и столики в беседках). Так же много тематических мест для фото.
Думаю многие читали что вторая зона без вальеров, ну по факту обман. Без вольеров ходят страусы, одна козочка без рогов, одна вислоухая козочка и олени, но олени к себе не подпускают пока не устанут сильно. Остальные животные в вольерах так что по факту достать до них будет тяжко, они обычно лежат далеко и мало на что реагируют.
А ещё осторожнее с верблюдами один пытался сожрать футболку прям на ребенке.
Так же разнообразие животных такое себе. В основном крупные рогатые, обезьянки, немного птичек.
I advise everyone, children will be delighted with the contact zoo with deer, goats, ostriches walking outside the enclosure next to you!
Yes, children, adults will also be interested
Шикарное место, если вы не любите зоопарки и цирк, но, обожаете общение с животными и тактильный контакт. Сразу отправляйтесь во 2ю локацию, где свободно гуляют страусы Эму, козочки, олени, выдры... они очень дружелюбны и контактны.
Просто обязательно берите детей любого возраста, для них - полный восторг!
Есть пункты питания по 2 в каждой локации(из тех, что мы заметили), еда в стилистике стритфуд или из замороженных продуктов. Но, к примеру, куриные наггетсы очень мясные и достаточно вкусные, а блин за соседним столиком утащил даже Эму😅😅
Биотуалеты оборудованы, правда, для детей проблема... запах...
Кормление разрешено отдельных животных (есть указатели), корм можно купить на кассе за 2 и 7р(зависит от размера), продается в экологичных упаковках (вафельный стаканчик, корзинка из бересты).
Детских площадок во 2й локации как таковых нет, есть пару качалок и качели, все из дерева, вписаны в ландшафт...
В 1й локации красивые деревянные фигурки и даже целые композиции из сказок...
Билеты недешевые, если отправиться семьей.
На данный момент: 30р - взрослый, 20р - ребенок за обе локации между которыми курсирует бесплатное маршрутное такси каждые полчаса.
Но! С учетом того, насколько ухожена территория и насколько красивые, досмотренные животные, достаточно игривые и ласковые, это того стОит...
А, возможно, требует и бОльших затрат!
Мы приехали из Минска+ такси до парка, это дополнительные расходы...
Но! Побывав там, не жалеешь о потраченной сумме и время пролетает НЕЗАМЕТНО!
Как наши 5!!! часов...
Очень красивое и необычное место. Его точно стоит посетить. Особенно с детьми. Большая территория, много животных, которых можно потрогать. Некоторые пушистики будут подолгу удерживать ваших детей около себя ;) Тут также много беседок для отдыха. Есть места, где можно перекусить, WC и место для мытья рук. На территории лично я видел два места для матери и ребёнка. А ещё на территории организованы классные фотозоны. В общем приезжайте. Вам должно понравиться. P.S. Когда будете подъезжать не спешите парковаться вдоль дороги -- у входа есть большая парковка.
It's a very cool park. Especially the second part, in which some animals are on their own.
Tickets can be purchased in both territories (but in order not to stand in line, we bought tickets online on the website). It's cheaper on a weekday
There are also several cafes where you can have a snack
It's a cannon! I have never seen anything like this in my life and did not expect to see it, especially in Baranovichi. I have nothing against the city, I was born in it myself, it was just a huge surprise for me. Huge respect to the organizers, I wish there were more such brave and enterprising people. When they finish the project completely, and I am sure that they will definitely finish it now, it will be something even more incredible on a large scale. I will be waiting very much and I will definitely visit. I recommend everyone to visit it at least once in your life and see it!!
Oo is a great place to relax, though you will have to walk a little, but relax and see a variety of living creatures. Well done to the organizers who created this place
In my opinion, this is the best place to visit for the purpose of exploring and wildlife in Belarus.
There are currently two large locations. One of them makes it possible to literally touch the wild, because some species of animals and birds are not in our usual enclosures, but freely walk around a beautiful and well-thought-out territory.
There are a very large number of species of animals and birds in comparison with other similar parks.
There are interesting locations based on popular cartoons that children liked.
What is missing is the quality of service in the restrooms, which needs to be improved. These are mostly bio toilets, although they are clean, but still... Only in one place in the first location there is a more or less clean bathroom in the usual sense for us.
But still, the overall impression is very good.
It's just an incredible place. It's a must have to visit here! The animals are here in comfort and love. Very interesting locations. In the second, animals walk among people.
I had a pleasant experience after visiting the zoo. Both children and adults were delighted. Everything has been thought out for visitors. By the way, you can bring your own vegetables. At the checkout, you will be kindly exchanged for a basket of food, which is also not bad. There is a large parking lot, there is a place to eat. Latrines are quite common, as well as taps with water for washing hands. Thank you for your concern!
It's a wonderful place. Combining two parts (an ordinary zoo with cages and an open one with large territories for living in close to natural conditions) is a great idea. You will simultaneously visit a nature reserve (Belovezhskaya Pushcha or Berezinsky) and an ordinary zoo. I definitely recommend it.
Всё красиво и зрелищно, много экзотических зверюшек,детям и взрослым будет интересно. Организованы места для фото, специальные комнаты для отдыха с маленькими детьми.
Кафе в классическом стиле ."всё равно купят" есть меню но нет картинок блюд, соответственно не написано сколько грамм порция. Получается ты покупаешь детскую микропорцию по взрослой цене.
Впечатления хорошие, но второй раз специально не поехал бы.
Very cool. Both locations. At first it seems that the price is too high, but then, when you see which caves the animals are in, you realize that this price is adequate. We were delighted with both the animals and the territory. I advise everyone.
Место обалденное. Животных очень много. Можно купить корм на входе и кормить некоторых животных. В таком месте безумно интересно и взрослым,и детям. Только интересное отношение к посетителям с детским транспортом. Со своим велосипедом или беговелом нельзя,а у них на прокат взять можно (7 р стоимость). В самом парке очень красиво и аутентично. Во второй локации так вообще сносит крышу) заходишь,а там свободно гуляют страусы,козы,олени,выдры,нутрии. Все животные до ужаса контактные и спокойные. Трогать даются все:начиная от коз и заканчивая верблюдами. Всем советую посетить это место. Куча позитивных эмоций и впечатлений гарантировано. Плюс ещё взорвёте Инстаграм своими фото и видео 😆😆😆
It's interesting, it's very spacious. Animals can be touched, but not all of them, most of them are still in cages. The paths are suitable for strollers. Near the very lively town of Baranovichi.
I liked everything. Prices for everything can be called reasonable. I was impressed by the fact that there are a lot of places where you can sit either in the sun or in the shade. Rooms,,mother and child,,. Again, designated smoking areas.
It's a very cool place, my family and I are thrilled. Although I honestly drove without much expectation. I have been to other zoos in Belarus and somehow always treated zoos exactly. It's very cool and sincere and you can see what has been done with the soul. I was also struck by the faces of the people working in this place, all so sincere, warm and with kind eyes. I definitely recommend it.
The only downside for me was walking from zone 1 to zone 2 with a five-year plan that was already tired.
Была вчера в этом парке. Мои впечатления:
1) Вокруг всё красиво и ухоженно, без красивых фото уйти трудно
2) Животных много, но, если вы хотите увидеть какое-то суперэксклюзивное животное, то тут это вряд-ли осуществится - зато козочками, морскими свинками, косулями, страусами полюбоваться можно
3) В выходной день с хорошей погодой в обеденное время посетителей ооочень много, если вас это смущает - добро пожаловать в будние дни))
4) Животные уже объелись этим сухим кормом, который продают на входе, мало кто его вообще хотел. Я взяла с собой качан капусты (не знаю, можно ли было приходить со своим кормом, но я пришла). Капусту ели всеее - даже страусы, ослы и куры, вырывали из рук, так что КАПУСТА ТОП! Кто-то с морковкой приходил - ее выдры обожают.
5) Купили билет в 2 зоны. По карте не смотрели, все обошли, думали это уже было две, а оказывается это была только первая - вторая отдельно, и нужно было ещё к ней ехать. В идеале на первую зону 2,5 часа отвести, на вторую - 2.
6) Во второй зоне животные выглядели по-счастливее - всё-таки в маленьких клетках сидеть - мучение.
7) Детям лет до 5 есть отдельный кайф - площадки в виде корабля, тематические зоны, домик Печкина - да и вообще им очень понравится)
A great zoo, a lot of animals. I'm more impressed with the Deer, you can stroke them, they are such cuties. At the entrance you can buy food for animals and there are places to relax.
There is not enough full-fledged cafe, but everything is super! Everything is clean, there is no unpleasant smell, the animals are well-groomed. Take a basket of food at once, and preferably 2 - you can feed a lot of people
Very interesting. If with children, it is better to take one location and another time the second. There is a cash register at each location. You don't have to stand in a long queue at the first location if you want to get to the second one. Two are physically difficult... I recommend.
We came to visit from Russia, and planned a trip to the Park in advance. My son is delighted, so are we! The park is still expanding, but even now it is very interesting. Animals touching their palms to take a tasty treat are touching! Thanks!
We visited recently with the whole family and were very satisfied.There are many areas for a photo shoot, there is a place to eat, or just sit down to drink coffee.It took us about 6.5 hours to get around everything.I recommend it))
The best place with animals where I have been, when all the locations are open and built, we will come with my family again) I wish you more development and the addition of new animals! And those people who are thinking about going or not, go, you won't regret it))
Everything is simply gorgeous, beautiful, and convenient. I didn't find any disadvantages. There are a lot of positive impressions!!! We will be happy to come more than once. Thanks!
I really liked it, especially contacting animals. Beautiful territory, you can walk for a long time and with pleasure. Even the teenage children were interested
A great place to relax with the whole family, and the children will certainly be delighted). Get ready to walk a lot, do not hesitate to touch animals (those that are allowed), participate in organized interactive activities.
A very cool zoo. The animals almost all look normal , it is clear that they do not suffer there and live a full life . The contact part of the zoo with goats , emus and deer is generally a separate delight .
There are no disadvantages. It is a very interesting and atmospheric place. You can see how much work and love has been invested for a comfortable stay of animals and a wonderful pastime for people, especially children. I recommend that you definitely visit.
The first part of the zoo is completely ordinary: the animals are unremarkable, in relatively spacious pens. Of the interesting things, only cute beggar raccoons (you can't touch them)
The second part made a good impression: deer, goats and emus walk freely around the territory and they can be fed and petted, goats are especially businesslike.
An amazing place!
It's so nice to touch the animals, feed them
We doubted for a long time whether to go - we didn't regret a bit! ❤
I highly recommend it to both adults and children!
A good park for recreation, animals come in contact. A large area to explore.
Not all animals are well-groomed and raccoons have little room. There are many representatives of the goat group.
I really like.👍 Especially the second zone (sheep are running around on their heels :))))).
There is a free bus between locations that runs every 30 minutes until 17:30 (as far as I know). There are many places where you can buy a snack or just take a break. There are rooms for mother and child. San.nodes of course.
Be sure to go, if possible, if you haven't been there.