A beautiful landscaped park, which, compared to other parks in Beijing, may not impress, but from here on a clear day you can see the whole city. A calm, peaceful place, suitable for leisurely walks. The best time to visit is spring, autumn with good weather. At the top, it was even possible to launch a drone, after establishing contact with local "caretakers")
One of the best places in Beijing. Admission costs 10 yuan, for local students - 5. The way to the top will take about 40-50 minutes, it is possible to reduce the time at the elevator (not used). There is a stunning view of the city from above, it looks especially charming at night. On the opposite side, there is an equally beautiful view of the mountains. Speaking of the night, you can enter the park until 18:30, at 19:30 the entrance gate closes, but you can ask to leave through the territory of the adjacent hostel or through the highway, which has a lookout on duty.