They were a year ago. The promised canteen and cafe do not work from the word at ALL. Having no competition, the cafe on the beach breaks the prices godlessly. About the paradise itself: the kanders are not taken out, the indoor unit in a 4-bed room Flowed directly onto the bed. In the next house, the door fell off, and then the window. It's real to cook in a summer kitchen, unless of course smelly dishes are the norm for you. The refrigerator and microwave are really scary to open. Well, those who were assigned to answer and clean up this trash were just picking nuts. Yes, this is the only thing for which there are 2 stars and not one. At least I ate hazelnuts
We had a rest from August 17 to 27, 2022. The impressions are amazing. The territory is well-groomed, green, beauty is all around. It's close to the sea. The cabins have everything you need. The hosts are friendly and good. Special thanks to chef Elman, he cooked just extremely tasty. During the rest, he became both a guide and a friend to us. Attitudes towards vacationers are at a height. We tried to get to this place three times (within three years), but it was in the way, then quarantine, then other reasons, and in the third year we still got there, we did not regret for a second that we got to this corner. We definitely want to come back, I recommend it.