The walls are cardboard, the neighbors won't hear you if you speak in a whisper!!! Even during the day, with music playing, in the courtyard, you can hear the neighbor's snoring in the next room! The staff is treated by the owners like slaves. The pools are "cleaned", it seems, once a year, and this is with a large number of vacationers in this territory!!! Rest..., just sadness! Worse than a hostel!!! WiFi in the package of services ...!?, is missing, fortunately the operator whose services I use launched 4G! 3G...?, they initially scored on this ..., we have been resting for years! The money is not small ...!!! Just mixed feelings! Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it takes evil, the money is not small, but like on a public beach, where there are no places, and everyone is standing and sunbathing! The smell of sovdepia with an admixture of goon business! The food is like in scoop canteens!, porridge on water soups from vegetable waste, meat additives ...!?, well ...?, catch up yourself! I highly recommend it!!!