Рамен с курицей и курица в соусе терияки с лапшой удон — два в одном, сытный обед в азиатском стиле. Традиционное сочетание насыщенного рамена и пикантной курицы в японском соусе создаёт неповторимый восточный колорит
20 Br870 g
Тайское комбо
Тайский суп том ям и фунчоза с курицей — идеальное блюдо для любителей азиатской кухни. Устричный соус и сок лайма добавляют пикантности. Стеклянная лапша гармонично сочетается с обжаренными овощами, зелёным луком, грибами муэр и шиитаке. А яркие том
22.5 Br600 g
Карбонара по-азиатски
В этом блюде гармонично сочетаются насыщенный вкус ветчины и нежность куриного филе. Аромат обжаренного яйца создаёт приятный акцент, а сливочный соус и тающий сыр дополняют общую вкусовую палитру
14.5 Br270 g
Оранж чикен на рисе
Кусочки куриного филе, обжаренные в апельсиновом кляре, подаются на подушке из отварного риса. Посыпаются кунжутом, украшаются долькой апельсина
12 Br300 g
Утка Хойсин
В блюде гармонично сочетаются насыщенный вкус нежного утиного филе и сладость соуса хойсин. Аромат кунжута и зелени дополняет общую картину, придавая вкусу свежесть. Лук-порей и болгарский перец вносят приятную хрустящую нотку
Good afternoon, I've been waiting a long time for you to get to Grodno, and today I had the opportunity to visit your establishment. I really love eating at your place in Gomel, you are simply the best. I was in Grodno at Trinity. Watching the preparation of the order, I was one step away from not leaving without waiting for the dish. The cook, the shaggiest man in Grodno, apparently shook his uncovered head over everything for a very long time, then scratched his ear, threw noodles to cook with the same hand and immediately after that managed to reply to the SMS. Looking at this picture, the appetite does not just disappear, but a feeling of nausea appears. When I picked up my order, I drew your employee's attention to this (a plump girl with dark hair). She said that everything would be fixed, and in 20 minutes after that, no one did anything. Your place is very tasty and I would eat with you all the time, but if I see this next time before making an order, I won't set foot in pad thai Grodno. I'm absolutely sure that none of them noticed it. Please solve the problem, do not deprive Grodno of a delicious place.
I took a super Box where WOK+Ramen . I 've never tasted anything more disgusting , my husband didn 't like it either , they didn 't even finish half a portion of the wrong dish , they threw it in the trash . The string beans in the Wok noodles turned out to be hard ,+the dish itself was terribly bitter. BUT this is still half the trouble , while waiting for the order , the employee who counted (the girl) said that they waited about 10 minutes, as a result, they waited about 50 minutes.The employees shook their hair over the dishes they were cooking , there were no hats on their heads, without gloves . Very long service.There were a lot of people/queues, and when they made comments that they were taking a long time to place an order, the staff simply ignored or left😏
So-so Establishments For Me 👎👎👎👎
I liked the place, I ordered a delicious dish, everything is perfect, the chicken is grilled and in breadcrumbs, it really doesn't taste like orange, the rice is crumbly, which means it's well washed, everything is super.