We checked into the hotel opposite and went to get water before going to the city (the price is standard everywhere 10lir 0.5 l and 20-25 l for 1.5 l) and everything seems to be normal. Last night I also bought two 0.5 and one 1.5 water, I also decided to drink a bottle of beer for a quick sleep (this store has a well-known Bomonti in Turkey) and paid 90 lira in total
Today I decided to have a beer while chatting on the balcony after a hard day of hiking. What is more interesting was 95 lira, and this Bomonti cost 50 lira (as the seller replied, it was logical to buy yesterday with water), but it was while I was standing at the refrigerator. When I came up to pay for 2 bottles of beer for 50 lire and a pack of peanuts for 30 lire, I eventually received 10 lire change from 200 lire. To the question "is everything OK with the calculations?" It turned out that beer costs 80 lire. In short, cool people and an excellent attitude towards tourists, on whom all the service is focused. It is clear that they consider "fooling the Slavs" in high esteem, but so stupidly ... I just want to "click" such a "body", although they are not there one at a time, but constantly a crowd of homies sits under the store. The result is that you will be fooled everywhere, but it's okay to do it beautifully (no questions asked), but so bluntly .., it only causes irritation and any desire to be here disappears, to come and advise your friends!