In memory of those people who built a Long-term Land Front in the 1930s, as it was officially called in Soviet documents, and about the soldiers and commanders who fought in fortified areas during the Second World War, this open-air museum was created. Historical and Cultural Complex (IKK). We know very little about the battles and exploits of the heroes, defenders of the Motherland, who fought at the beginning of the war in the URALS. I have been a participant in the creation of the IKK since the very first day. The guns of this artillery semi-caponier were installed with my direct participation. The original studios, such as those that were in the pillbox, could not be found. Instead of the three-inch guns of the 1902/30 model, we had to put a replica created from a gun of the same caliber. In general, in terms of size and caliber, they turned out to be similar to the original. Don 't judge me harshly . All the same, this structure, in the form in which it is presented to the guests, gives an idea of the conditions under which the garrisons of the Soviet-era pillboxes were preparing and fighting the enemy.