A large selection of insoles, convenient location of the store.
Many thanks to the seller, she advised and suggested which ones are better. She showed me different options. She helped me choose the right size. Everything is very cultured and polite. While I was distracted by the youngest child, the seller explained to my daughter how to properly take out and insert insoles. If you need more insoles, then only here.
I forgot to write about the prices. Compared to other places of sale, insoles are 3 times cheaper here!
They do not update the working hours. The security Service works until 16:00, they posted a piece of paper, but the info was not updated. I came straight from the other side of the city. Disappointed
Upd: I arrived the following Saturday, already early, and saw another piece of paper🤡
Guys, just write already that you are not working on SAT
A wonderful store. I was with my mom buying a knee pad. Bravo was helped to pick up. They helped her dress up. They told me everything. Recommend. You won't regret it. The prices are affordable. Lower compared to others.
The seller without a mask is rude to the customer ("walk here, and then the insoles disappear!)I bought a corset in this store because next to the BSMP hospital, I vowed to come here anymore!