Tolochinsky district, D. Krugly, terrible work, as well as the attitude towards residents, for almost the entire summer they have not been able to set up the system in the tower, then they answer that they can't figure it out, then they can't translate Chinese, then what else do they have) with any power outage (visible scheduled check) there is no water throughout the village, and in the heat of +30, we have to sit without water for half a day, elderly people live with us, people have a household and no one seems to care about it, if you do not know how and do not understand how your blocks work, etc., figure it out initially and then put them in the tower, why should we suffer because of you, every other day you have to call and ask for the water to be turned on, how long will it last?
What about the cold water on Flerov? Horror. It smells like bleach. When will everything be fine? It is not possible to cook either. We need to buy drinking water. Living in an apartment.
Спасибо большое за добросовестный труд в оказании помощи облагораживании колонки в д. Юрцево, бригаду Кувшинова Виталия Сергеевича ,слесарь Хмылков Павел Игоревич ,слесарь Концевой Николай Петрович,сварщик Абаканович Сергей Сергеевич. От жителей д. Юрцево. Ребята и девчата вызывайте всегда эту бригаду. А так же начальника производства Артема Михайловича, что все нашлось в тот день и трактор, и гравий, и люди работали до 19.00. Спасибо.