The service is disgusting. The card was made for several days, and as a result, the card was not entered into the Bank's system. The bank's management is apparently not interested in professional training of employees.
We have (Sagd region, Jabbor Rasul district)Orienbank is very popular.For some reason, most of the residents of our village use the services of this bank.I decided to try it too, unfortunately I was disappointed.You come to the bank and they say there is no money, come tomorrow or there is little money, we can only give half.But on the other hand, someone can give money to him (her) and the question (what was it now?) they left a card to answer you in advance.How is this so? I hope this reaches the management and you will sort out this mess.And the ATMs are not working.Why put jars everywhere if they are empty all the time?
The quality of the issued cards is very questionable - it was dispersed after 4 months. If you do not live in Tajikistan, but somewhere else, you will have to fly and reissue the card/ because for some reason they don't know how to send it by mail. You can't get the money out of it in any way - it turns out to be a dead end. Online banking support is very slow and sometimes they do not understand what is being asked of them. The conclusion is, if you have issued this card, do not keep a lot of money on it. Flying from another country to be given a new plastic is very strange! The bank's management can learn how to use mail and replace plastic for customers not only in the bank branch!