УЗИ органов брюшной полости с пробным желчегонным завтраком для определения функции желчного пузыря
Оценка функции желчного пузыря и диагностика нарушений
▪ Проводит врач-узист Кожевникова О.В. в филиале Казыбек би 12 В
Точная диагностика – залог эффективного лечения! Запишитесь прямо сейчас:
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It's a very good clinic. It's clean and homelike, competent, knowledgeable specialists, spacious foyers with upholstered sofas and a large TV, that is, there is everything for a comfortable reception.
She came to the treatment room for IVs and injections (intravenously and intramuscularly). The nurses are highly professional, they do their job perfectly and competently, they are very attentive and friendly to all patients! Thank you very much!!!
In 2023, Natalia Vladimirovna Iskhakova underwent examination and treatment by a rheumatologist. A wonderful, competent doctor, the treatment was successful. I am also satisfied with other specialists, Thank you for your attentive attitude towards me.