The first time I saw the Odessa Academic Theater was at the age of 11 or 12 during a school trip. We were then taken to museums, theaters and other attractions of Odessa. During this tour, I learned that this theater is not much inferior to the famous Viennese one in terms of its acoustics and decoration. In the Odessa Museum, we were shown the famous collection of Scythian gold and other famous exhibits. And already in the two thousandth years, my wife and I rushed to Odessa for the weekend. Of course, this was no longer the Odessa of my childhood, but it was still quite Odessa Odessa. Russian Russian has not yet occurred, people have not died in the House of Trade Unions, the Russian language in Odessa could be heard on any corner and for the fact that you speak Russian, you have not been reprimanded or sent in the other direction. Odessa has always been a Russian-speaking city with its own unique Odessa flavor. It's a pity that Odessa is already different. Will I ever see the city of my childhood? I don't know. But I really hope so...