A small shop, there are not many goods,prices are affordable,sellers are friendly, flowers are also sold, the only minus is there are no tobacco products, and so it is generally normal
The store is focused on beer and snacks to it. This is not a shopping facility at home. It is even rare to find milk and bread in it. I am generally silent about compliance with the minimum assortment list. Moreover, after communicating with the head of this, if I may say so, store, it was found out that he was not going to change anything ...(
The store is located next to the 17th school and the railway park, there is little choice of meat, but there is a variety of goods, beer, kvass in kegs, bottles, a wide variety of sweets, alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, pastries are always fresh, there is dried fish for beer, a more or less good selection of chips, crackers and all sorts of sweet things: chewing gum, Kinder surprises, sour tongues, since the store is small and remote, I give it 9/10
I was there only once, the impression is not very good, there is absolutely nothing to choose, but the advertisement is right on the whole wall.Purely essential products and not all of them.It would be better to expand the range and there would be norms.
The store is focused on beer, chebureks, fish. There is no bread, milk, sausage there! The assortment there is not that narrow, many mandatory product groups simply never happen.