I came in with a canister. I went to the cash register. Politely asked for 8 liters of 92. To which I received the answer: - To me, what should I pour for you right here?
I say: - Did not understand?!
The seller: - Well, take it to the column.
And he looked like an outcast from society.
I'll make a reservation that I'm refueling, and even more so in a canister FOR the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, on OKKO.
I brought it home and when I poured it through a transparent watering can I found it... - SAND!!!
Skeptics may say that the sand was already in the canister!
It was washed with kerosene, blown with air and steam!
sterile, you might say.
A dangerous find...(
And now, based on the comment above, I see. that being rude to customers is considered the norm here.
Your direct competitor, for example, has a smiling, pleasant girl who even speaks patiently to a loser like me. what to do where and how to do it. Because my money is YOUR SALARY!!!
And when, COMPLETELY OUT OF INEXPERIENCE, I BECAME ALMOST A KILOMETER AWAY FROM the tanker pistol, they did not even make a remark to me and were not outraged!!! Of course, I have drawn conclusions and will continue to look better at the size, but ...
the attitude towards man and the quality of fuel is completely different.
For putting a gas station in the center "!1!!!" ONE!!!
And the other four stars have not been earned yet, although the staff, even at cheaper gas stations, is much nicer and more courteous.