Today I got into an emergency for the second time, bought 2 goods, paid for the change, but there was no goods, it turned out that they were given to someone else, not only that they didn't give me a check, well, they don't know how much I paid, well, they couldn't replace the goods, they went to look for the manager, waited 10 minutes, then asked for the money back, so little the fact that I lost time was also returned 10 k less, and since they didn't give me the receipt at first, I can't prove it immediately, but I didn't want to deal with them because of the time... I would like to improve the service at least, the market is not new, there is one blonde girl among the cashiers, I remember her as quick, but the rest.... And by the way, it seemed that there was a girl of 13-15 years old at the checkout, in fact, I don't care, but the very fact of not taking a professional approach is upsetting.