Шашлык из баранины, шашлык из утки, шашлык из окорочка, люля кебаб из баранины, шашлык из филе курицы, лаваш, соусы
10200 ₸1 kg
2640 ₸220 g
2580 ₸200 g
Куриное филе
1860 ₸270 g
1680 ₸250 g
Рулет из баранины
2040 ₸200 g
Утиная грудка
Филе утиной грудки, обжаренное на мангале
2220 ₸200 g
Шашлыки по-шымкентски
Говядина, курдюк, соль, специи
1200 ₸100 g
Пицца с сыром моцарелла, колбасой и соусом (30 см)
2880 ₸500 g
Картофель фри
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
Ooo, the Ogonek kebab shop is the most wonderful place for dinner and gatherings with friends! The kitchen is above all praise, a separate bow to the chef!!! And the most important thing is the prices - they are very, very reasonable (I mean very cheap). There is a musical accompaniment, which especially adds advantages to this institution. We just get high from eating and hanging out in this place!!!! Thanks a lot to the team of this kebab shop!!!!
Everything was delicious. The salads are well-served and the food is delicious. Kebabs and beef and mutton and duck are delicious. The meat is soft. Mushroom shish kebab is juicy, mushrooms don't turn out well everywhere. I also liked the French fries, they are also not cooked well everywhere, and the portion is good and not expensive.
The salads were fried eggplant with sesame seeds and tomatoes, I really liked it, Caesar and spicy meat, I don't remember exactly, it seemed to be called in Korean. It's also very tasty.