Обжаренные до золотистой корочки нежные котлеты из щуки с пикантным картофельным пюре, в которое мы добавляем немного белого столового хрена, гарнируем блюдо хреном со свеклой, буквально чайную ложку сбоку, и зеленью
18 Br290 g
Макароны по-флотски с говядиной
Сытное блюдо из макарон с домашней говяжьей тушенкой, при подаче поливаем растопленным сливочным маслом, отдельно кладем половину маринованного огурца
17 Br250 g
Жареная картошка со шкварками
Обжаренный до золотистой корочки картофель со шкварками, луком, чесноком и укропом, сверху кладем щедрую ложку сметаны
13 Br390 g
Трио чебуреков с Привоза
Три хрустящих и сочных чебурека как из детства, чебурек с нежной куриной начинкой, мясной чебурек со свининой, говядиной и кинзой, также сырный чебурек с сулугуни и укропом, подаем с сметанным соусом дзадзыки и веткой зеленого лука
21 Br296 g
Красный борщ с говядиной, фасолью и пампушками
Сытный и наваристый красный борщ на курином бульоне с волокнистой нежной говядиной. Подаем со сметаной и мягкой пампушкой, смазанной чесночным маслом
13 Br380 g
Одесский буйабес
Насыщенный морской суп подаем с гренками шоти с зеленым ароматным маслом с кинзой и долькой лимона, сам суп посыпаем укропом
17 Br290 g
Оливье по-городскому с ветчиной
Традиционный салат с одесским акцентом, готовим его с ветчиной, с двумя видами огурцов, подаем оливье с дольками отварного яйца и укропом
16 Br200 g
Миниатюрные котлеты по-одесски с картофельным пюре
Хрустящие котлеты из нежного куриного филе с начинкой из сливочного масла и укропа, обжаренные в масле, подаем с нежнейшим картофельным пюре, поливаем растопленным сливочным масло, посыпаем укропом и паприкой
17 Br360 g
Большой Одесский сырник
Большой нежный сырник присыпаем сахарной пудрой, украшаем мятой
We ordered a set "So that I could live like this" at the Odessa restaurant on Rafieva 56. We were completely delighted with both the fullness of the set and the service. The waiter girls were always there, but not intrusively. The child was very surprised by the robot waiter. If you have your passport with you and your birthday is on this day, you will also receive a 30% discount on orders that are not included in the set. A very unexpected and pleasant birthday bonus was a birthday cake with a candle (we had 2 of them). The robot waiter also brought us this surprise with music. I thank the restaurant and everyone who works there for the atmosphere and delicious food. By the way, there is really a lot of food for 7 adults. We still have what's left packed with us) We will definitely come back to you again.
We were at a birthday party there, and I'm sorry that we didn't look at the rating and read the reviews on Yandex, for which we paid upon arrival.
The menu is meager, according to the name, design of the restaurant and the serving, they counted on a fish restaurant, and from the fish there was one unfortunate page of the menu, which, by the way, is also meager. The prices are just an overprice, as for dishes x1.5 from the prices of other restaurants it is immediately noticeable, for soft drinks the price tags up to x5 come from retail, it is a shock, if with dishes even less, then just to drink for 4x to give more than 50p it's just👎👎
There are also many questions about food - they took 2 pieces of medallions, the meat is too salty, and it is impossible to eat potatoes in an unusual serving, it would be better to put ordinary fries or boiled, and in both portions..
We took a set of spread, 4 people tried it and came to the conclusion that only 3 out of 9 were delicious, 3 more were just edible, and 3 after one time were not touched anymore, yeah.
I almost forgot - live music starts at 7 p.m. and if for the rest it's just background noise in the restaurant (which is no longer cool), then for us sitting literally at the speakers it became a real problem, because we had to shout at such noise, so we had to move.
In general, the impression is much below average as from the restaurant, but they offered a piece of cake to the birthday boy and for the decoration of the restaurant and the robot cat, so be 3/5 stars, not a drop more
We were so waiting for the opening on Rafieva, because we live in the next house and I like to go to this institution at a different address. But it's a disappointment. A sea plate with what is served in other places of the network cannot be compared at the same price. Moreover, the shrimps were dry and salty. French fries in a seafood plate? Onion rings? Is this a joke? The staff is young and unprofessional. Dirty dishes stood on the edge of the table for more than 10 minutes, all the waiters passed by, although they saw her. They were removed only after a request. They asked to bring prosecco, at first the waitress girl went somewhere for 7 minutes, then the three girls opened it, giggling, it was obviously a difficult case for them. I thought we couldn't wait. The overall impression is nothing. What is the food, what is the service. There is no desire to visit anymore. It's a pity. There was hope for the appearance of a normal institution in the area.