Everything has changed a lot here, especially in recent months, repairs have been made! Everything pleases, our children live on the fifth floor, there is also a refrigerator, a microwave oven, the order is at the highest level, we express our gratitude to the commandant, the educators (my name is Natalia Tarnavskaya,) on behalf of all parents, I will say that our girls are very comfortable, excellent control, constant monitoring by the educator, the curator on duty, the commandant... what can I say, WE ARE SURE THAT WE HAVE GIVEN OUR CHILDREN INTO PARTICULARLY RESPONSIBLE HANDS, THANK YOU ,
Excellent hostel, I am very satisfied with the sanitary standards, comfortable living conditions , good teachers and a friendly watch. In general , I advise you to spend your best years here ☺️
Terrible dorm, I'm a freshman. There is no refrigerator , there is nothing , there is no household room . Wash it with your hands too . The only plus is the block system of the hostel . They moved from another dormitory with a bellhop , compared to this one it was very good , there was everything , a washing machine , a utility room , normal repairs. And here it couldn't be worse. The linoleum is worn , the beds are iron , spring-loaded. There has been no repair since the Soviet era in my opinion.
My opinion is the most terrible dorms to live in!
From the outside, the task is certainly good, but in the interior, major repairs are required, replacing furniture that has not changed for many years. There is bad asphalt and paths in the interior of the yard.