The school is beautiful outside, everything is great inside too. There are new classrooms. but there is a small but. the food is not delicious, why are children no longer fed for free from the beginning of 5th grade? Aren't they kids? The teachers are terrible, except for Elena Viktorovna Tyurina. She's the best teacher in this school. The rest of the teachers raise their voices, allow themselves more than they shouldn't. 3 breaks in 10 minutes, how do you think in 10 minutes the children should walk to the office and eat in peace? if the child is 3 minutes late because he ate, "this is not liberation." Well, then don't yell at the kids for eating in class. You can'T go to the bathroom in class. What kind of outrage is this??? the child goes to the bathroom when he wants, not according to schedule... teachers don't really teach properly, but they demand a lot of things. bullying occurs even from the teachers themselves. It's a mess, not a school.